3 Reasons Why Young Children Should Not Use a Smartphone
Recently, most parents allow their young children to use a smartphone without noticing that their young children might get harmed by using it. Even if there are many education applications in the smartphone but they should not the smartphone because using it can lead to eyesight problems, sleeping problems, and procession of learning problems.
1. Using the smartphone can lead to the eyesight problems
Using the smartphone can lead to eyesight problems is the first reason why young children should not use the smartphone. The first problem of the eyesight is the young children become myopia or short-sightedness.
According to Davies(2013) (as cited in David Allamby, Founder of Focus Clinic), David has recorded a 35% expand of sick people about expanding myopia, since the release of the smartphones in 1997, and reminded that the short-sightedness of teenagers could expand around 50% in 10 years. For example, young children can become myopia because of spending time too much and staring too close to the smartphone. Moreover, the light of the smartphone hurts and disturbs the young children’s eyes.
According to Baria(2014), ( as cited in Ophthalmic surgeon Dr.Keika Mehta), Dr.Keiki said that trouble of the smartphone is people ought to hold them really near to the eyes, and staring near-point activities can direct to eye-ache, uncleared sight, and un-moisture eyes because of people do not wink their eyes enough. For instance, young children will not have good-sightedness, and their eyes will get hurt by using the smartphone. Therefore, it is clear that using a smartphone can lead to an eyesight problem.
2. Young children cannot fall asleep easily by using the smartphone
Young children cannot fall asleep easily by using the smartphone are the second reason why they should not use the smartphone.
Young children have a bad sleep quality due to using smartphones at night. Scutti(2016) pointed out that ( as cited in Dr. Gregory Marcus, author of the study and an associate professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco) People did not have a good sleep quality due to the use of the smartphone before they sleep. For example, young children might sleep late and they might not sleep enough because they use the smartphone at the night. Besides, using the smartphone before going to bed makes young children become sleep deprivation.
In a study of Boston College (2012), McTiernan-Gleason (2015) found that 75% of 9 and 10 years old of kids are sleep disposed. For instance, young children will not fall asleep easily because of a distraction from the smartphone. Based on the pieces of evidence presented, using the smartphone is a cause of young children cannot fall asleep easily.
3. Young children have problems of learning by using the smartphone
Young children have problems of learning by using the smartphone is the last reason why they should not use the smartphone.
Using the smartphone affects young children’s abilities to learn. As Walters (2015) stated that (as cited in researchers at Boston University School of Medicine), “ Use of interactive screen time below three years of age could also impair a child’s development of the skills needed for math and science, they found, although they also said some studies suggested benefits to toddlers use of mobile devices including in early literary skills, or better academic engagement in students with autism.” For example, young children will not have a good grade because they are addicted the smartphone.
Furthermore, young children do not improve their learning fast by using the smartphone. McTiernan-Gleason(2015) noted that using technology between the age of 0–11 years can disturb, or ruin children’s improvement of their education (Rowan,2010). For instance, young children certainly do not know whether education or smartphone is more important for their life by themselves; therefore, they might prefer to focus on the smartphone more than their education. The evidence shows that young children should not use the smartphone.
Even if Hoffman(2013) claimed that there are many kids who are smarter by playing the educational applications through the smartphone, but using it can also impair their abilities of learning. For example, young children get a diversion easily. Opponents can say that parents can control their young children to use the smartphone; in contrast, can the parents control their children at all times?
In sum, vision troubles, sleeping troubles, and procession of studying troubles are three main reasons why young kids should not use smartphones. However, if parents really want to buy smartphones for their young kids, they should look after their young kids closely when they use the smartphone in order to take care of their young kids not to have negative effects like given information.
Baria,Z. 2014. Is your smartphone affecting your eyesight?
Retrieved from http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/health-news/Is-your-smartphone-affecting-your-eyesight/articleshow/29346618.cms
Davies,T. 2013. Smartphones spark surge in short sightedness.
Retrieved from http://www.femalefirst.co.uk/health/eye-health-322731.html Hoffman,T. 2013.
Can smartphones make kids smarter?
Retrieved from https://www.education.com/magazine/article/smartphones-kids/
McTiernan-Gleason,M. 2015. 10 reasons why cell phones should be banned from children.
Retrieved from http://consciouslifenews.com/10-reasons-why-cell-phones-should-be- banned-from-children/11104146/#
Scutti,S. 2016. Your smartphone may be hurting your sleep.
Retrieved from http://edition.cnn.com/2016/11/09/health/smartphones-harm-sleep/
Walters,J. 2015. Tablets and smartphone may affect social and emotional development, scientists speculate.
Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/feb/01/toddler-brains- research-smartphones-damage-social-development